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    How to resolve a difficult contract issue

    Although you can't dictate how or when a contract issue will be resolved, you can take steps that will positively influence the outcome. This article explains how disputes get resolved, and summarises...

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    What's the difference between legal information and legal advice?

    Given how much free legal information is available online these days, it might be tempting to avoid the cost of speaking with lawyers. But there's a huge difference between legal information and legal...

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    How to prepare effective contract qualifications

    Principals and head contractors are normally reluctant to allow changes to their preferred forms of contract, regardless of how onerous they might be. Consequently, the preparation of tender qualifica...

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    How to get cost-effective legal advice

    Professional advice, of any kind, is never cheap. But there are number of things you can do to make sure the cost of your legal support doesn't outweigh the benefits you receive from it.

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    Should you engage a construction lawyer?

    The fact that you're reading this suggests that the answer could be yes. But before making a decision either way, there are a number of factors you need to consider, including cost.

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    Are you asking the right question?

    When people come to us for advice, or even just visit our website, it's because they have a specific problem to solve. And a lot of the time, after we start speaking to them, it becomes apparent that ...

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