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    How do employee option schemes work?

    Employee option schemes are designed to allow employees to share in the value of the company’s future growth. This post explains how they work.

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    How do employee share schemes work?

    The basic idea of any employee share scheme is to give participants the opportunity to acquire equity in the company, or to provide an incentive that is roughly equivalent. There are different ways th...

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    What does a shareholders agreement cover?

    A shareholders agreement explains how the company will be run, how decisions will be made, and what happens when shareholders disagree or someone wishes to exit. It governs all of the key aspects of t...

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    5 reasons to consider an Employee Share Scheme

    There is a common misconception that employee share and option schemes (ESOPs or ESSs) are the exclusive domain of tech start-ups and large corporates. However there are a number of reasons why all co...

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