Thinking about an ESOP, but but not sure where to start?
You’ve found it.
This workshop is designed for business owners who would like to understand how an ESOP might work in the context of their business.
This workshop will give you a good understanding of how ESOPs generally operate, with a view to giving you more clarity about how an ESOP could be structured within your company.
This workshop is also a great way to see how we work, without having to worry about the cost.
About this workshop

This is a 1 hour workshop, conducted in person in our Sydney office (subject to COVID restrictions) or via video-conference (Zoom), with Greg Henry, one of our senior commercial lawyers.
Greg has been involved in the design and implementation of various employee share and option schemes for a number of different companies over the past 15 years, mostly in the construction and technology industries.
During the workshop:
- we will ask questions so that we understand your situation, and provide insights and suggestions so that you can have a better understanding of what an ESOP might look like for your business,
- you will ask questions and have the opportunity to ‘pick the brains’ of a highly experienced commercial lawyer; and
- if you decide it’s something you would like to pursue, we will help you map out a pathway for implementing the scheme.
The price of the workshop is $875+GST.
Workshops can usually be accommodated within 3-5 business days of receiving your request.
The workshop format is highly informal, and extremely flexible. (Despite the depth of their expertise, you will find all of our lawyers to be very approachable, down-to-earth people.)
There is no limit to the number or types of question you can ask. It is not uncommon for the conversation to focus on things that hadn't even been considered before the start of the session.
What's in it for you?
By the end of the workshop, you will have a clear picture of:
- what an ESOP could look like for your company,
- the key considerations you will need to keep in mind when designing a scheme; and
- the process of implementing an ESOP and immediate next steps, should you decide than ESOP is something you would like to pursue
Written advice is not included as part of this offer, but can be purchased separately.
What happens after you complete the form?
Once you have submitted your request for a workshop, we will call you to:
- learn more about you and your requirements, and
- seek to set up a time.
If you have any questions or reservations before booking a workshop, please do not hesitate to contact our Client Relations Manager, Karlie Gilbert, on (02) 9229 2908.